How did Rocky come to the Meow Kingdom?

You means how did I become a software engineer here? That's a long story...

Actually, originally I come from a town outside of the YaDian Land and work as a freelancer. My home was decorated into a adorable place with a lot of plushies. Although staying up late for doing projects is painful. But when I was sleeping along with plushies, or eating chocolate meow cookie while listehing to music with plushie holding by me, I can always relieve a little.

One day when I finished my current project and was hanging out, I met some travellers who said that they comes from the Meow Kingdom. I made friends with them, but then I become more and more curious about it, then started asking them a lot about that kingdom. Listening to what they said, my interest at the Meow Kingdom became better and better.

I played well with them for a few days, until they returned to Meow Kingdom. I also got some new projece and returned to those days completing projects

But, I decided to go to that place to have a look

A few days after that, I delayed all my ongoing project and took a boat to that place.

And that's my first time coming to that amazing place.

I once thought that it might just a regular place, but this trip is out of my imagine! Everyone here seemed so energetic and were filled with pleasure. "What a colorful place!" I thought, completly forgot my project.

Later I also met my friend I've made those days. They're really excited to see me coming here with such a surprising face. So they took me around the whle kingdom, and told me that there were also many other wonderful places in the YaDian Land, such as Sakura Village, Meow Devildom, Meow forest and more.

I started loving such a place, and eventually decided to move to here!

The next day, I went back to my town, then immediately started my plan moving to the Meow Kingdom, since it's really a nice place for such a busy cat like me!

From then on, I'm a member of Meow Kingdom!