Two brown cats.

It's hard to believe that I'm making new friends right after I moved here!

When I was moving to the Meow Kingdom, I chose to live in a regular 2 floor house with a smaller backyard. As I'm moving with almost all of my things, including all my plushies. I set my bedroom which is also workroom to the 2nd floor.

After everything is arranged, my life in the Meow kingdom, started!

After the first day as a resident of the Meow Kingdom. I got an email from someone called Hideki. In the email, he said that he found a white cat with a red ribbon (me) jumping excitedly on the street of Meow Kingdom when he was travelling here from the Meow Devildom a few days ago. Later he knew that I'm Rocky, the cat who can help other cats do the project. While he knows that I've moved here, he'd like to come and meet me.

Right after I read it, I heard someone knocking the door. I came downstair in fast speed, arrived at the door.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"I'm Hideki! Jubby told me that you should be living here, I'm comin' to meet you as what I've said in email!"

Feeling surprised, I opened the door. What came into my eye was a brown cat with a white shirt. He looks taller than me, however, he didn't seems to be old.

"Hi! Rocky!" Hideki said excitedly, shaking my hand.

Seeing such a enthusiastic cat, I'm completly froze, with a embarrassing face.

During the first meet, we talked alot, from life to hobby. It lasted from that morning to the noon. We quickly became close friends. And when we leave, we shared our contact informations.

"Yo!" Right after he leave, I heard someone calling at me and walking toward me.

"Seems that you've been getting on well with Hideki while it's the 1st day you meet him! I'm Jubby, nice to meet you.""

I quickly moved my eye to that cat. She's also a brown cat, but with a pixelated sunglasses on her head and wearing a sky blue hoodie.

"Uh... hi..." I said, feeling a little shy.

But then, Jubby said with smile. : "Be brave, in the YaDian land, everyone is friendly to each other!"

She told me that she was a foreign traveller who currently also lives in Meow Devildom. She talked about many interesting things she had seen during her stay in this land. Sooner we also became friends. Before she leaves, she recommended me many place I should go and have a look in the YaDian land.

I decided to go and have a look! But before that, I think I should decorate my new home well first...